Lady Chapel, Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool

The Churches’ primary task is the same as that of Jesus’ mother Mary, to present Christ to the world. (As we see in this picture of the Lady Chapel, in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Liverpool.)

We at St Ninian’s in Castle Douglas and Christ Church, Dalbeattie, make Christ present through our Worship (Sacrament), in our deeds (Baptisms, Wedding, and Funerals), our outreach to our community, and in following Jesus’ Way of Life. This is not always easy to do, but by God’s Grace we try.

We with God’s help may be able to minister to you:

  • You would be most welcome to join us for fellowship.
  • Pray for or with you.
  • Anoint you and pray for spiritual healing.
  • Make your communion with us or we can bring communion to you, at home, if you are unable to come to church.
  • Make your Confession.
  • We have a branch of the Mothers’ Union which meets at 2 pm on the third Tuesday of each month, except July and August.
  • Please do not hesitate to contact us if you think we may be able to help you.

The Scottish Episcopal Church is part of the world-wide Anglican Communion, which includes the Episcopal Churches of Commonwealth countries, the American Episcopal Church, and the Churches of England, Ireland and Wales. Through the Porvoo Agreement, we are also in communion with the Scandinavian Lutheran Churches.

We welcome visitors from all Christian denominations. All are invited to share with us in all our services and in Holy Communion. If browsing these pages encourages you to visit us, we shall be delighted to meet you.

The buildings are designed for universal access, on a single level, with all appropriate facilities. There is a loop and loudspeaker system. Large print liturgies are available.