Sunday 23rd February – Sunday Before Lent
Services for the coming week
Midweek Services | Preacher/
Officiant |
St Ninian’s | Wed 10:15 | Ash Weds Eucharist | Christopher |
Christ Church | Wed 19:00 | Ash Weds Eucharist | Christopher |
Sunday 1st March – Lent 1 | |||
St Ninian’s | 08:00 | Eucharist | Christopher |
Christ Church | 09:30 | Eucharist | Helen/Christopher |
St Ninian’s | 11:00 | Eucharist | Helen/Christopher |
Today at 6pm: Iona style service. Gordon Memorial Hall. Castle Douglas
25th Feb CD Mother’s Union 14:00 AGM in the Hall
Memorial Flowers. If you wish to put flowers in church as a memorial for a loved one please sign the list for the appropriate date on the notice board. You may donate the flowers or the money to buy them. Please speak to Val Davies at St Ninian’s or Julie Dennison at Christ Church.
St Ninian’s Coffee Rota. There is a new rota on the board, please sign up to provide the refreshments after the service.
Journey into Freedom. This is an online Ignatian retreat for Lent. Information can be found on the poster or online at
**Donations for local Food Banks**. There has been a fall in donations recently. If you are able please donate non-perishable foods and also toiletries. Donations can be left at the back of both churches. St Ninian’s supports CD ‘Helping Hands Food Bank’ and Christ Church supports Kirkcudbright Food Bank. NB: Please will you write the Best Before Date clearly on food items. This helps the people at the Food Banks and saves them time looking for hard to find dates.
Healing Blankets are available in both churches. If you know of someone suffering illness, grief or loneliness, in need of a ‘comforter’, please take a blanket from the front of church. The recipient will know that they are enfolded in the prayers of the church.
Lent Talks
There will once again be a series of Lent talks + discussion throughout Lent during the Wednesday service at St Ninian’s and after the Thursday service at Christ Church. The topics this year will be The Sacraments.
Churches Together are also running Ecumenical Lent Meetings on “Praying with Paintings and Imagery”. These will be on Wednesdays in Lent @ 2pm St.Ninian’s, and 7pm Crossmichael, and Thursday’s @ 11am St. Peter, Dalbeattie.
Please pray for…
Katherine Hatfield (Jenny Wright’s daughter)
Rev Pam Swift
Rev Jane Ross
Rev Beryl Scott
Pat Miles
Elizabeth Campbell
Pray also for those who are caring for these people.
Dates for your Diary
4th + 5th March. Lent Talk on Baptism + Confirmation led by Edith Thorp + Helen Evans.
4th March A walk along the edge of Loch Ken. Leaving after the Wednesday service at St Ninian’s, (approx. 10:45).
9th March Dalbeattie Study Group 10:30am @ 4 Screel Drive.
10th March Castle Douglas Bible Study/fellowship group will recommence at 14:30 and will be on most Tuesdays apart from 3rd Tuesday when Mothers’ Union takes place.
10th March Julian Group
22nd March Mothering Sunday Lunch in the Gordon Memorial hall after the 11am Sunday service to which the congregations of both charges are invited. This will consist of 2 courses with tea/coffee to follow. A list for choices and numbers for the caterer will appear soon. Cost £10 per head.
A Prayer Litany for Shrove Tuesday
We revel in your expansive grace;
We bask in your boundless love;
We delight in the excess of your blessings to us.
As Christ turned water to wine at Cana,
So You are spreading out a bountiful feast for Your people.
We acknowledge that your kingdom is
always expanding
always welcoming
always inviting
always growing
always blessing
always filling.
We acknowledge that in Your presence there is always
a joyful song
a chorus of worship
a fountain of life.
We acknowledge that your attitude toward us is always
joyful celebration
unconditional love
wholehearted acceptance.
The universe is bursting, drunk with Your love.
Our hearts are plump, satisfied with Your love.
Our lives are filled up, ripe with Your blessing.
May we live our lives in the fullness of joy.